2017 Trophy Awards

Photographer of the Year
Ernest Cooke CupOverall Club WinnerLewis Mackenzie
Monthly Competition Trophies
McLeod QuaichColour PrintsGary Matheson
Stephens Brae CupMono PrintsLewis Mackenzie
Harvey ShieldProjected Images (PIs)(digital and/or slide)Ross Graham
Annual Portfolio
Elena Mae CupPrintsOwen Cochrane
June Trevail QuaichPIsOwen Cochrane
Annual Set Subject Competition
Fleming CupSet PrintOwen Cochrane/Stuart Johnstone
Macdonald CupSet PIGary Matheson
Annual Open PI Competition
Tyrell CupColour PIGary Matheson
Culduthel CupMono PIJim Sutherland
Highland ShieldBest Beginners' PIChantal Macleod-Holdsworth
Annual Open Print Competition
Ness CupColour PrintJune Sutherland
Nairn CupMono PrintStuart Johnstone
Campbell CupBest Beginners' PrintChantal Macleod-Holdsworth