2016 Trophy Awards

Photographer of the Year
Ernest Cooke CupOverall Club WinnerLewis Mackenzie
Monthly Competition Trophies
McLeod QuaichColour PrintsDavid Shillabeer
Stephens Brae CupMono PrintsLewis Mackenzie &
James Whyte
Harvey ShieldColour Projected Images (PIs)
(digital and/or slide)
Lewis Mackenzie &
Gary Matheson &
Jim Sutherland
Annual Portfolio
Elena Mae TrophyPrintsDavid Shillabeer
June Trevail QuaichPIsAlastair Cochrane
Annual Set Subject Competition
Fleming CupColour PrintDavid Shillabeer
Macdonald CupColour PIOwen Cochrane
Annual Open PI Competition
Tyrell CupColour PIDerek McGinn
Culduthel CupMono PIAlastair Cochrane
Highland ShieldBest Beginners' PIWalter Allan
Annual Open Print Competition
Ness CupOpen Colour PrintAlastair Cochrane
Nairn CupMono PrintAlastair Cochrane
Campbell CupBest Beginners' PrintWalter Allan