
We have links here to images from members over a few sessions.

2022-2023 Trophy Winners’ Images

2021-2022 Trophy Winners’ Images

Hall of Attendance over the Years.

From the 2022 AGM it has been decided to set up a digital record of members attendance by asking them to submit one image for and from, where possible, each year that they have been with the club.

The image they like the best for the year and not for judges or others to judge but as a record of they being with the club for that year.

We are seeking to do this retrospectively as well from current members attendance over the year BUT ALSO previous members if they wish to join this exercise.

Images from the families of members who have past away are also sought.

For pre-digital, hard copy/slide/print these can be submitted using a smart phone or scanned images would be good.

Please submits images to the e-mail address with the follow naming protocol:
“year forename surname – title”
2018 Anthony Grady – Fly agaric”  to be confirmed

Please view our members contributions in our
Hall of Attendance over the Years.

Copyright Notice:
All images used in this website are the copyright of the photographer who took them.
Please respect this and refrain from copying images without permission.